Opacity is the opposite of clarity and rivers of impenetrable political rhetoric flow through our living rooms daily, in regards to the big issues facing our nation and the Earth. We are inundated with reports ranging from the destruction of our planet, to the monetary worries of the worlds financial institutions and the security actions of troops in places like Afghanistan, but to what extent do we really understand?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Rivers of opacity
Opacity is the opposite of clarity and rivers of impenetrable political rhetoric flow through our living rooms daily, in regards to the big issues facing our nation and the Earth. We are inundated with reports ranging from the destruction of our planet, to the monetary worries of the worlds financial institutions and the security actions of troops in places like Afghanistan, but to what extent do we really understand?
Friday, June 18, 2010
Modified Dogs
Fast Cars and Fat Cats
Text: Fast Cars & Fat Cats
heavily taxed public. If they wish to continue trading in our future transport needs, then terms must be struck to make sure safe, reliable, sensibly paced
cars are their priority not Bathurst prepared V8’s. Publicity, promotions and advertisements regulated in the same way as other life endangering products have to be. Sales restrictions to protect the youth, legislation to protect us all and fines for the non-compliant.
Now I'm not a prude or a wowser by any gauge but I have got to tell you I find it repulsive the way the children of our "civilization" have been bombarded with uncensored images of war. The warnographers of this world have been given carte blanche to pervert the minds of our most vulnerable and while they were diverting our moral attention span away from the foulest of human behavior, they focused it on the lesser of two evils pornography.
The "god-fearing" leaders of the Judaeo-Christian and Muslim nations have consistently ignored the effect, of their lust for war, on the innocent and chosen instead to demonize anything vaguely associated with sexuality outside the accepted norms. On a scale of one to ten, how do YOU rate the collateral damage caused by war verses porn?
If we rate the billions of people who have had their guts ripped out by war as a ten, then I would suggest by comparison, the victims of porn would be less than one. Why are we not as outraged when we find our children splattering heads on the Internet as we would be if we found them on a naked human site?
Responsible adults should understand the irony of this and no matter what your particular brand of belief is, collectively pray that the world gets it priorities in place and doesn't continue on with the insanities of the warnographers.
Mob Rules!
I don’t think anybody would disagree, Mobsters ruin communities.
Mobster require one main ingredient to formalize their rule, a mob; so regardless of who’s the boss, it’s the mob that empowers. The average person
empowers the big bosses of this country and every time they put money in a slot machine, back a horse, buy grog or suck on a bit of smoko weed. They are
financing a system that is responsible for the bulk of family hardships, illness
and death. Now I hear the cries, surely not, our responsible leaders of industry
and government should not be put in the same category, they don’ carry machine guns, they don’t mow down innocent people in the course of maintaining their monopolies, or do they?
Our society doesn’t tolerate irresponsible, profiteering, drug dealing, pimps
because they prey on peoples weaknesses for their own greedy ambitions. Well
call me a liar, if you want to, but when the big company executives and
governmental bodies budget for large profits, in the fore mentioned areas, are
they not doing exactly the same thing? You may well put forward an argument in support of this kind of irresponsible behaviour, quoting the fiscal necessity
and the befits of job retention as overriding the moral imperative, but then you
are exactly the problem I am talking about.
For those who get it, you may well say ‘what can we do about it, we are just
the victims’ or ‘that’s the way it always been and after all you can’t change
city hall’. Well to that I say ‘BULLS*IT; don’t curtail social reform for those
reasons, fight for you children’s rights to live in a better era. There IS no
rational reason that we have to put up with mobsters running our lives and
making bad decisions that affect the very core of our existence. Demand
substantial social reforms and don’t hand over your power to representatives
who don’t have the highest moral agenda on this issue, because if you do, then you are the mob.
Media Magic 2
Once upon a time you could trust your eyes and ears, not any more!
We really must be vigilant in engaging the b/s meter when reacting to what we see or what we hear. Spinsters used to be single old maidens plying a trade beneficial to weavers, at least. Now there are spin-stirs, greedy good for nothing a’holes, capable of selling you anything for their own benefit. Take for instance the gun lobby, they would sell you the line everybody has the right to carry a gun, but they don’t really mean it. What they mean is that they want the right to be judge, jury and executioner of anyone they deem to be guilty of threatening their prosperity. If everyone carried a gun it would be Dodge City all over again and the guy with the biggest gun rules or the scumbag that sneaks up behind you gets to tell his/her version of events while you rot in boot hill.
Then there’s the Tobacco and Alcohol lobbyists, they would sell you the line people have the right to decide for themselves, while addicting children to their products which subtly take away their ability to choose. The government spin-stirs plaster our living rooms with advertisements condemning smokers and drinkers to an early grave while raking in billions in ill gotten gains; when if it wasn’t for their addiction to the generated revenue, they could pass a bill tomorrow and end the evil trade.
The Hocus Pocus of unethical professionals swirls before you every day with the sole intent of lulling you into a state of mind from which they can profit. Everybody knows, every body can see the comb over, but we are so mesmerized by it and so used to the conditioning, we just go along with it. They tell you aspartame will make you slim, trim and terrific and permanently overweight people lap it up by the truckload. They tell you Round up ready, genetically modified crops are the go and before you know it were all shoving it down our gobs. They sell you the concept there is no God while they are trying there damndest to become your god; believe me?
Women used to want the right to bare boobs, now they want to bare arms.
Men used to plot their pay off, now they pay off their plot.
Children used to inherit a future, now they doubt any future.
The poor, the meek and the ones who mourn used to believe one day they would have their reward but the spin-stirs have even coverted that.
I believe in a creative force that doesn’t condone magic, but I sure wish someone would click their fingers and wake us all up.