
Monday, February 1, 2010

Pharisees and Sadducees of Art

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The Pharisees and Sadducees of Art (the art-erarty)
reside in the temples, built by Inspired the Great
Monopolizing expressions of spirit, as well as the tithe
formatting the practises of late , forging and festering hate.

Like photocopiers of existing talent and gift (realism)
they bolster one another and seek out the weak
laying stumbleing blocks and trip wires for the meek
Stoning the inevitable "sinners", thinning potential "winners".

A brood of vipers I say, stifling any challenge to change
The mass production of frangipanis is the cause
and the crucifixion of the muse, a necessary evil
to put down any "whores" and prevent art wars.

Watch out for the one holding the coats (in support)
secretly scheming and aspiring to persecute the fold
By an amateur psychology and a new testament
that it was all done for your salvation!

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